Buff Gardeners

perfect season

Just wrapped up the last mowing of my yard for the season. Also got leaves raked in the front yard and gutters cleaned. The perfect season was in regards to mowing the backyard portion of my yard in the buff. Each time I did it , i was nude. Another...

a late start but finally

Our Midwesterner spring has been less than desirable weather-wise. Yesterday i got some discounted tomato , pepper and celery plants and this morning pulled out waist high weeds in a 1/4 of my small garden to plant them. I also got some impatients...

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Garlic mustard is an invasive weed that has neither the desirable traits of garlic or mustard. It used to grow rampant around my 1 acre yard which borders on woods and a ditch. This year I realized that it did not pop up and bloom early spring like...

all in one day and very minimal clothing

It rained and was cold until after 1 pm today but then the sun came out and with enough breeze the grass got dry. I mowed the front yard in my barely there shorts ( an elastic waist band with flaps of fabric front and back) then part of the backyard...

ever rake leaves in the buff?

we have nice and warm enough days in October to rake the leaves sans clothing. Any chore done nude is so much easier to do. Years ago I raked up a huge pile and fell back into them to take a break. I dozed off and did not awaken until the pile was...

Anyone growing anything this winter in the...

I planted a winter garden this year, my first substantial attempt! Unfortunately, in the US Southeast, We had virtually no fall. I did manage two decent patches of Romaine which we are still enjoying but the rest of my greens seemed to just stop...

Green Prints issue No. 116

The charming quarterly magazine , Green Prints, has a light hearted positive article about World Naked Gardening Day ( Next one May 4th , 2019. Good to see a positive, not childish take on nudism in a general publication.

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garden producing

thanks to sunshine warm temps and timely rainfall, my garden has grown by leaps and bounds. Picked the first burpless cukes this week, and one hot pepper, more of both forming quickly. all work done all natural.

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perfect record mowing season

There are 4 sections to my yard thanks to driveways, house and out buildings. The two adjacent to the road, I mow with just my barely there shorts on. Basically an elastic waist band with flaps of fabric front and back, slit sides and nothing...

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house plants

most think of gardening as an outside thing to do, but many of us have house plants also. What is the oldest houseplant you have kept alive? For me I have a Snake Plant or Mother-in-law Tongue that was a start from a plant my brother was given in...