
More clarity ...There are three types of galleries on here; The main TN Gallery, a members "media" or profile gallery, and group media/galleries. Maybe explaining what gallery you're speaking of, would help in understanding which one is in question.All our pictures posted in my profile gallery are "Friends Only or Certified Friends Only." As soon as I post them, I set the security settings. NONE, NONE should be available for viewing by non paying members, unless I Friend them. This site is riddled with fakes, trolls and picture voyeurs. If non paying members have the ability to view any pictures on any profile where they are not friends with that person, it should stop and stop immediately!

To me there is only one gallery and that is the one with the word ''GALLERY'' which is between the words ''FORUM'' and ''GROUPS''. To me the members have ''Profile Photos'' and the groups have ''Group Photos'' with the last two using the word ''media'' for the photos.

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Thanks for the clarification on what GALLERY means to you. Now when you're speaking of GALLERY, I and maybe others, will know what gallery you're speaking of. :-)

But you still brought up a situation that should NOT be happening here.

"The non paid members can only see the first page of the gallery and not do any sorting of the gallery and 6 non friends photos on member profiles and 6 photos on groups.

If there are any pending photos on the members profiles/groups these are included in the 6 photos."

Again, this should not be happening here. ALL of these things you are stating should be ONLY if the group is Public and a member's profile pictures are set to Public. If this is not the case, then it's a bug and needs to be fixed. ;-)

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Not sure if this is a "bug" or an intended "feature", but a non-certified friend can see pictures marked Certified Only. Also, if you upload multiple photos at a time, if the non-certified, non-paid friend clicks on the +x more link in your feed, they can see small versions (larger than thumbnail, but not full size) of those pictures.

Just letting you all know, "Certified Only" currently includes non-certified friends.

John aka cobeachbum

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