Pet Hates

We all have them and it seems the older we get, the more we have: we're not called grumpy old men/women for nothing. So what are they and why do they irritate so? To get things going, here's one of mine that's prevalent here on TN and on just about every other site that has profile pictures:
Profile pictures on their sides. We all take photos sometimes where we rotate the camera to get a better shot, but they you have to rotate the picture so that we stand upright again. There are thousands on photo here, and all across the web were the poster expects us to tilt our heads sideways because they can't be bothered to rotate their pics. It drives me crazy!
End of rant. Over to you.

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RE: Pet Hates

Let's say a pet peeve, rather than hate.
Hate is such a strong and over-mis-used word.

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RE: Pet Peeves

Smokers who think the world is their ash tray. Why is it that so many smokers think it's okay to throw their cigarette butts out the window of their car? I really want to collect a trash bag full of them and deposit them at the next smokers house, who I see throw one out. Can you imagine the outrage!?!

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RE: Pet Peeves

pet related pet peeve - people who don't clean up after their dog when it finishes "doing it's business" i hated dodging dog piles along the tree lawn when mowing the lawn.

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RE: Pet Hates

We all have them and it seems the older we get, the more we have: we're not called grumpy old men/women for nothing. So what are they and why do they irritate so? To get things going, here's one of mine that's prevalent here on TN and on just about every other site that has profile pictures: Profile pictures on their sides. We all take photos sometimes where we rotate the camera to get a better shot, but they you have to rotate the picture so that we stand upright again. There are thousands on photo here, and all across the web were the poster expects us to tilt our heads sideways because they can't be bothered to rotate their pics. It drives me crazy! End of rant. Over to you.

Ohhhhh! ........ HOW I feel your pain!
Sorry Curt, but I really DO hate to see this,
so much so that 3 years ago I posted this tip:
Computer Tips


It amazes me, that despite all my efforts, so many people fail to find the tips forums,
so I'll post the damned thing again here.
#01. TO TURN YOUR PICTURE UP THE RIGHT WAY. You will need to do this on your computer so it will be necessary to delete the pic from the site and upload it again after you have corrected it. Just open it in Microsoft Photo Editor, or whatever program you use. On the top tool bar there should be a button called rotate. Each time you click on it, it should turn your picture clockwise through 90 degrees, so by clicking it either once or three times, it should turn it up the right way. Then close it, and when asked if you want to save changes, click yes, and it will stay that way.

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RE: Pet Peeves

People who keep talking on their cellphones for ages,preferably in closed spaces like trains,trams,buses,restaurants... No, I do NOT want to know how much you earn,who you work for,why you will be late for dinner or what your problems with your amourous problems are!!!! pfffffffffff
No worries Mieke, you can't say that too many times.

It even bugs me topass them in the street, instead of a nice friendly smile from them,
all you get is ignored completely.

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RE: Pet Peeves

BUT, my NUMBER ONE pet peve, just has to be, the fact that some bloody idiot,
seems to have WRONGLY taught, the ENTIRE American race, that they
should say "I could care less" ....... you lot do it, ALL the BLOODY time here.

It SHOULD of course be, ...... " I couldn't care less" ...... short for, I could NOT
care less, it doesn't matter, NOT a problem, INSIGNIFICANT!

IF you COULD care less, it means that you DO care, it IS important, it IS a problem!

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! ......... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

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RE: Pet Hates

Let's say a pet peeve, rather than hate.Hate is such a strong and over-mis-used word.
I have to agree with you there, but the phrase in common usage here in the UK is 'pet hate' so that's what I used.

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RE: Pet Peeves

i agree with jaydog, yes dog crap in my yard. i have a neighbor that has 2 large dogs and 2 small dogs the other day the lady was on her front porch and yes one of the small dogs was at my front dog, we opened the door and our dog chased it off. my dog stops at the edge of the yard but i guess they think their dogs own the neighborhood.. my wife wants to scoop up the mess and redeposit it ijn their yard..

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RE: Pet Hates

The totally self absorbed, passive/aggresive, rude addicts who pretend to be in "recovery" that I have to deal with next door. Its always someone or someting else that's tha cause of thier problems.

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RE: Pet Peeves

My pet peeve is also the lack of courtesy and/or common sense related to cell phone usage. People, if you feel the need to answer each and every call, please have the courtesy to move out of the way. The world around you does NOT come to a screeching halt just because you do!

Philfreeeuk, I happen to be of the American persuasion, and I also dislike "I could care less." A few of us actually know better, but some who know the difference "couldn't care less." I live in the Southeastern US, where our language is mangled practically beyond recognition at times.

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