Nudist Saturdays everywhere in USA - vote at

Animals get to be nude in public. Why should we have less rights than animals? The Human body is an amazing machine and a subject of scientific study, not something disgusting that should be hidden. If people don't want to be nude, that's their business, but we should at least get to be nude in public on the most fun day of the week: Saturdays ensure this will not get in the way of Monday to Friday business as usual. This doesn't mean sexual harassment is ok. It means we aren't forced to hide what we really are, as if there was something wrong with us. Its uncivilized to sweat in our clothes in hot weather. Once you start seeing nude people everywhere, its not a big deal anymore, and nobody has a reason to stare at you. Lets try this on Saturdays and see how it works out.
Vote here

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RE: the vote

Wow. Only4988 signatures still needed. Let's get moving!!!

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RE: the vote

Silversurfer is correct, this is something that needs to be done with local jurisdictions. The Constitution states any powers not specificially delegated to the federal government belong to the states.

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RE: the vote

We would be happy if there were private designated areas available. It will never be in general public areas.

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RE: the vote

In which area is this petition located?

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RE: the vote

The petition seems to have dropped off the active petition list. I haven't been able to find access to inactive petitions, nor can I find an explanation of what the posting policy for petitions is. As was noted in a previous post, signing the petition requires one to provide more information to the Obama administration and the federal government than I'm comfortable with, so I refused to sign it.

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RE: the vote

Yea, we need to take realistic steps first and that would be some designated nude areas starting with a few in each state. When they get too crowded we add more.

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RE: the vote

Actually Helen Mirrim, who played the Queen and is an open nudist would do quite nicely. If the Queen orders it, than who can object?

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RE: the vote

Actually Helen Mirrim, who played the Queen and is an open nudist would do quite nicely. If the Queen orders it, than who can object?Indeed she would !
Of course, we'd need someone who already knows her to ask.

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RE: the vote

I would very much like to see this entire country become clothing optional (just like the community I now live in is) without a government dress code. That will never come to pass and right now there are not a lot of beaches in this country where nudity is acceptable. Let's start there.

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