Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I have a some very good friends whom I have asked to go along for visits to several nudist resorts in the area. The gay guys I have asked said they won't feel comfortable being nude in the presence of females. I'm sure if asked guys who aren't gay to go to a gay men's nudist resort I might also get some reluctance. I'm not about to force anyone or whine but what are your thoughts?

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I have a some very good friends whom I have asked to go along for visits to several nudist resorts in the area. The gay guys I have asked said they won't feel comfortable being nude in the presence of females. I'm sure if asked guys who aren't gay to go to a gay men's nudist resort I might also get some reluctance. I'm not about to force anyone or whine but what are your thoughts?I'm a gay man... I don't really care if the company is mixed, straight or gay. Most nudist venues are mixed. Usually on the beaches, there are "the gay sections". I enjoy the the company of woman just fine, in social settings. I understand what you are saying though, I too know a few guys that don't want to be naked in the presence of woman. I don't get it. If you asked a woman to go to a gay friendly nudist resort...most wouldn't have an issue, unless the men were getting too frisky in public. Writing this, I just realized the issue. A lot of gay men refuse to function outside of the "gay community" . They want to stick exclusively with their own. That's why there aren't a lot of gays at nudist resorts.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

One of my gay friends would have no problem going to a mixed gender CO or nude beach, but he said he would have no comfort at a mixed gender nudist resort. I guess I was thinking if you are a nudist what does it matter, but it obviously does for some people.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I'm as comfortable in mixed-sex venues naked as I am clothed. That said, I might be reluctant to commit time and funds to a mixed-sex resort, if I were afraid it would be very straight and couples-y and I'd have trouble finding commonality with people - the same would apply to a clothed resort. Resorts by design do rather confine you to a closed population of folks to interact with, in a way that a beach does not.
The only specifically gender-related thing I can think of is the nudist issue-that-worries-all-men, which is more vigilantly enforced in mixed-sex environments. Only in a mixed-sex environment, for example, would a guy be awakened from a nap and told to turn over.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

Steve, good point about the couple, clique and commonality factor.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I belong to a mainstream nudist resort and am perfectly comfortable there. If I had the choice, I would probably pick a gay resort just because it would be more "kindred spirits", not because of a rejection of a straight venue. But with nothing like that around, I have no problem with the mixed one I belong to.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I admit that I have more experience being naked with other men (that is true for all men, I think, based on years of locker rooms) and that carries a certain comfort level with it at gay nudist venues. But I've been naked with women in many settings--beaches, clubs, resorts, even a bar--and found it very comfortable. Actually, I've found women at nudist venues to be generally quite friendly regardless if they know my sexual orientation or not.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

It seems that many gay men are most comfortable socializing more among each other, possibly for fear that conservative society would scrutinize homosexuality even more so if they were to acknowledge any comfort around women, especially nude women. As a result, many gay men overcompensate being gay. Many straight men who otherwise would find themselves comfortable around gay men, are just as guilty with straight overcompensation. Simply, we all are merely sexual creatures defined by our bodies of male and female.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

If they are genuine nudists and not there to perv on other guys or just to have sex, then what's the problem with mixed gender nudist clubs for them????

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

I have a some very good friends whom I have asked to go along for visits to several nudist resorts in the area. The gay guys I have asked said they won't feel comfortable being nude in the presence of females. I'm sure if asked guys who aren't gay to go to a gay men's nudist resort I might also get some reluctance. I'm not about to force anyone or whine but what are your thoughts?If given the choice of a gay venue over a mixed venue, I would always choose the gay venue. I don't need the hassles from the few homophobes. Most people are fine, but why take the chance of an unpleasant encounter. How do I know? I have a pink triangle tattoo and have clearly heard the whispers, seen the insecure handholding of their spouse, after they've seen the tattoo. It's easier to just avoid the encounter; I don't need the drama.

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RE: Gay guys comfort level at a mixed gender nudist resort

Being a gay man myself I wouldn't have a problem with being in a mixed environment as being gay is a sexual preference where as nudism is not. If I were you I would ask them whether they see the distinction or is it that the sight of women disturbs them so much that they cannot function. if the latter i would take them anyway to desensitise their somewhat narrow view on the world.

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