Commando Women

This is for women who go commando or don't wear underwear and for men intrigued by them. The original Commando Women were ladies of the night in Bond Street, London, UK. But it applies to any women who shun their undies.

I was walking behind an attractive young woman into an outdoor mall downtown. She was wearing a T-shirt and this intriguing short black gathered skirt. A gust of wind caught her skirt and exposed her entire bottom. She certainly wasn't wearing any panties! She didn't seem to notice that the wind had blown her skirt up.

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RE:Down Town

My closest experience would be Donald Ducking in a longish shirt. The feeling of the fabric dancing in the wind against the skin is certainly pleasant, but I'm not sure how long between touches would make me think the wind has completely lifted the hem. Eventually the lack of the fabric dance means there's only one possible conclusion. Perhaps she suspected it but has no interest in looking panicked but trying to do something about it. That's confidence. :-)

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RE:Down Town

I like to go shopping with just a long t shirt. I use it on walks as well when I can. It feels great and sensuous.
I have deliberately bent over occasionally.

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