World Naked Bike Ride

For everyone who's taken part, or would like to take part in the fantastic World Naked Bike Rides, which are growing all the time - 1,000 plus in London every June, and many more around the world.

After the ride is over.

After the ride is over, how do you get back to the start? Shuttle? Or, does it loop around so you start and finished at essentially the same spot.

If you have a hotel room right near the...

If you have a hotel room right near the beginning/end can you walk out of your room nude, walk/bike over to the marshaling area nude, do the bike ride nude, spend the evening nude, and walk/bike back to your hotel nude?

If you don't have a bike?

If you don't have a bike, can you walk instead? Are there bikes to rent? Even if I had a bike, I wouldn't be able to get it into my car.

NUDIST video call

Any one interested nudist group call ping me in skype or hangouts My skype id -Sunil Prakash Hangouts-

Some one asked about my nude athlectic and...

] Yes, I run and or workout almost daily, and yes for most run workouts I'm nude as I am for all in-home workouts. ] Yes, I do nude yoga, co-ed groups only, I'm 100% hetero, so have no interest in male only nude activities. ] The roots of...

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WNBR Chicago June 10

Same day as NOLA :) Anyone else attending?

St Louis 2020

Hoping to ride for first time 2020 St Louis wnbr with a friend

WNBR 2020 Providence, RI

Does anyone know that date for the WNRB in Providence for 2020?

most nude location near Michigan

Hi. I've heard the chicago ride is less nude acceptable. Someone mentioned the Philly ride is very free. How is the Toronto ride? I have heard some cities even open up or allow nude tours of art museums etc the day of the ride is that true...