White Thorn Lodge

Cant wait

Cant wait to get to WTL for a day! I try to visit a few times in the Summer. Usually a weekday

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went to white thorn lodge for opening day. although rain put a damper on things folks still came for enjoyable camping. wv bob's hoe down party went as planned. the rain cleared up and the party began. about 78 people were there to enjoy...

wv bobs country hoe down party

mark your calendars may 26 for wv bobs country hoe down party. food fun and friends. dj "k" will be sounding the tunes. this event has been happening for the past eight years and enjoyed by all. see old friends and make new ones. all...

5k weekend

The 7th annual State Line Streak will be held on July 7th 2018. That is 8 weeks away. This also just happens to be how long the c25k app takes to complete. If you never done a 5k it's a perfect way to train for your first. There is online...

Loop update

This past off season the water and electric in the loop was updated. There are now 50 amp outlets available, along with 30 and 20 amp on each pedestal. The water spigots have also been replaced on each pedestal.

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