RE: Favorite nude activities?

My visits to the clothing optional beaches are my favorite activities. Before this last month, I would go to a small clothing optional beach in San Luis Obispo, CA more than twice a month. The atmosphere there is just wonderful. It is a very relaxing place to go. Its a place where I can just be me.

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

why not the obvious -sexI already covered that one back in post #20. Might want to go back and read ALL the replies so far, and then see if there is one that was missed.

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

You city slickers just don't know how to have fun.Theres flying a Grumman Tiger with the canopy open over the fog and clouds below.Theres riding cross country motocross on a super bike across the Nevada deserts. Wear some shoes in case you have to put your feet down.Theres White water skindiving. Make sure it's a clear river so you can see where you are going.Theres running naked through the woods howling with the wolves.Let's not forget working on your D-8 Caterpillar and not worrying about getting your clothes dirty.
I got it. Wading through the poison oak and Berrie vines?No?

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RE: Favorite nude activities?


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RE: Favorite nude activities?


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RE: Favorite nude activities?

What's your favorite thing to do in the nud ?

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

Working out

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

toss up between gardening and the nude beach

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

toss up between gardening and the nude beach
Why not combine the two and do nude gardening at the nude beach?LMAO

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RE: Favorite nude activities?

As I have never done it - I can't claim it as a favorite naked activity ... yet. But it is a longtime fantasy of mine ... a round of naked golf ...

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