
Last night we were also binge watching the new season of "Stranger Things" on Netflix when the whole house started moving even though we're about 150 miles from where the 7.1 earthquake hit. My wife and I ran outside to see our pool sloshing around and our son (not a nudist) who was staying in our guest house outside also. Of course I was naked as a jaybird!

hahahaha... we were naked as well for both earthquakes. We had just finished binge watching Madam Secretary both quakes!!! Living down near SD, we got the rolling effect and waited for it to stop. When it didn't, my next statement to Di was to grab her tennis shoes by the back door and be ready to move outside. I have clothes and shoes for both of us in both cars, just in case. We'd probably be seen naked when we walk out to the front yard to get the clothes out of the car on the driveway but it's better than having the house fall down on top of you! ;D

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Years ago one Saturday morning I was standing in the kitchen and the inside door was open so they (JW) could see into the house. I had shorts on as the new step kids were there and my wife didn't want them to see me naked. I listened to them for a minute and made some comment, that I can't remember. After they left my wife said if I should of had my regular attire on (nothing) and they would of ran down the lane.

We have small shakers here, as we're waiting for the big one. It came about 4am and woke us up. When I figured out what it was I got up and turned on the scanner to see what was being reported and decided I had better get my day started. I heard the sheriff radio into the dispatch asking if we had just had an earthquake and he stated he was in the shower. If it had been the big one at least two people would have been caught naked. LOL .

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If you can ever find a copy of the Audiobook, or DVD of Spaulding Gray's brilliant monologue "Monster In A Box" he tells a hilarious story of the first time being in Hollywood working on his novel and his script for "Swimming To Cambodia" when an earthquake hits early in the morning. Not exactly knowing what to do, he runs outside where all his neighbors are all gathered in the middle of the street also. Everyone, including himself, is naked!

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