RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!

If you have to ask, you'll never know.
That is the only answer that I think comes even close.

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RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!

RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!;Well from a sailor's point of view:1. When I travel to charter a boat the only clothes I have to take are the ones I'm wearing to and from the airport. 2. When it rains I do not have to worry about putting on a rain suit and spending the day stewing in my sweat in an attempt to stay dry. 3. When I haul the anchor I do not care if I get mud on me. I just rinse it off and I'm dry by the time I walk back to the cockpit. 4. I can enjoy the HOT summer and do not have to install Air Conditioning on my boat. 5. I do not have to worry about having to do laundry.6. My boys love toswing inthe warmocean breeze.7. Notan lines.8.Boats that anchornear me become friends or leave quickly.9.Dirt stains wash right off.10. Showers on the foredeck have the best view in the achorage.

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RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!

Does there have to be a point? How about doing it because it's something you enjoy?Exactly. I've come to the conclusion that nudists are a bit more evolved and much more enlightened than the rest of the body phobic world. We just get it.

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RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!

May I please ask with all respect......why would someone join a nudist site and then ask what is the point of being a nudist...I am the first one to state I was totally against the nudist life style when my husband brought the subject up with me....HOWEVER....I listened to him, I thought long and hard about his reasons, his wants......that's what one does, when one is in a loving caring relationship, that doesn't mean I was totally acceptable of my darlings lifestyle belief's....I was probably the biggest "prude" ever.....however, I decided that it was important for me to try and understand my darlings need of a somewhat "different" lifestyle so I agreed to try it....reluctantly!!!! Low and behold I not only enjoyed it I found it longer did I have to compete with what she was wearing, no longer did I have to compete with hairstyles,big bums small boobs etc was just a very leveling competition, no more feeling as if I had to "perform" so to was simply a case of being an "equal"Off my soap box.....all I shall say in closing is I sincerely hope you can find the happiness and contentment that I have found with this wonderful lifestyle.
Good job!

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RE: What is the point of being a nudist? I just don't understand!

i think is more easy than all that you say, i thin you are nudista when sombody say you: ohh, you are nudist?? and you are surprise because you never have think about it, and you say: oh, i think maybe yes

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