RE: Attention to everybody who's a member of a group!

that is also the cure for global warming, as according to scientists damn near everything causes that too. lol
Well if some intelligent person had got together with a few other intelligent people from other countries and decided years back to control the population growth, we wouldn't HAVE a problem. I've been talking about it since I was a kid.

I think you have a point, Phil, controling the population would definately help with global warming. The big question is, how do you do it? Everybody has the right to breed, among eating, that is one of the main reasons we are put on this earth. How can a government force people to limit the children they have and still keep the people happy? I just don't see how they can do it.

Hehe...I have many different thoughts on global warming, but I'll touch on one of them. I think one of the problems is oil. If you think about it, everything on our planet has a natural use so that we can all live together (you know, the circle of life thing). Nobody can really deny that, yet what is the true use of oil? I don't think it is for the use we are putting it too and yet, here we are bleeding our planet dry literally. Is it a coincidence that climate change is coinciding with our oil reserves dropping? No idea, but it's something that makes me go hmmmmm.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, Have to think about that one, but if Mother Nature was on the ball, wouldn't she have made the oil and coal run out, before warming became a problem? apparently, there is still a lot of oil to be had, it's just that we're coming to the end of the easily accessible stuff, and in future it's going to be a lot harder and therefore more expensive to get at.

I don't think Mother Nature had ever intended for us to mine the earth and bleed her dry. It's probably so difficult to reach, because we were not meant to have it. ;) I'm no greenie by any stretch of the imagination, but I can clearly see that we are killing our planet. It's my opinion that the draining of our non renewable resources has a lot to do with it. Oil is supposed to be here and has a natural reason for being here and not to power our play things, homes, whatever. hehe...What that reason is, I don't have a clue.
I don't know that there IS a reason for everything, I think it's more a case of action and reaction.
I am afraid I have become pretty pessimistic about the future in general, I've been talking about the environment for some years now, when everyone said I was nuts. I even wrote a rather pessimistic poem that didn't go down very well at the time. (you can read it on my blog) Now I think it's probably too late, and the money would be better spent on preparation and learning to live with the changes that are bound to come. Here in the UK we are already beginning to see increases in the cost of living due to new laws re our carbon footprint. I fear that Governments are going to use it as an excuse to increase revenue through taxes. The fact is, we could reduce our carbon output to zero, and the increases in the developing third world countries and china would wipe out our efforts in a matter of weeks. I know we need to set an example to the rest of the world, but I'm not hopeful that it will be enough to make a difference. There are just too many people in the world, and if we don't control it, Nature will. Sorry to be so defeatist, I'm pretty depressed about the whole thing, I despise waste and the way the civilised world is developing, this global recession is going to wake a few people up, but will it be enough?

Sorry Jerry, we should continue this on the other thread, but to be honest, I don't think there's much point, think it's pretty much a lost cause, but does anyone know which thread it was?

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RE: Attention to everybody who's a member of a group!

WOW!!!!!! don't ask me what happened there! ....hehe, isn't nature wonderful!

Sorry Jerry, back to the matter in hand then.
Well, logically, I spose we should try to identify the reasons people don't post and then try to think of ways to address them.
The obvious ones are "no time" and "not really interested" and we can't do much about that, the other one that comes to mind is "they forget" So, as was mentioned by the lovely Zara (who it seems has since gone on to pastures new) was that it would be a big help if we were automatically notified of new activity in the group. I had an idea how this could be achieved and suggested it to TT1 a few days back, he has read it but as yet, not responded. I don't suppose it's too near the top of his priority list. Swifty thought it might be a goer, but I rather fancy TT1 won't go for it as it involves giving group members access to a group profile, and therefore it would be open to abuse. We could always give it a try, I'm sure if he disagrees, he will just delete the profile.
Another idea would to be to have another page of "recent posts" just for the Group Forums, they could be put on here, but if it got busy you'd need a very long page or you'd have to check every five minutes or miss half of what's going on.
As a tempory measure, we could manually post a link on here to the new post, but I already spend too much time here so I'm all for automation.

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RE: Attention to everybody who's a member of a group!

lol, good ideas Phil, I'm trying to get the Texas Nudists group going and I have some minor activity, but it is difficult. I have just about given up on the 40's - 50's nudist group, 72 people and no one speaks.... grrrrr


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RE: Attention to everybody who's a member of a group!

"I'd never join a club, that would allow me to become a member." - Groucho Marx

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