RE: This Is Getting Boring

Yes, mistakes happen and you could be banned by accident, but moaning on the forum does nothing other than alienate you from majority of decent members. If you're banned from chat, shut up and sit out your time. And, as for the 99% of you who deserve to be banned, I suggest you grow up and stop acting like spoilt little brats. We are sick and tired of listening to your lies.

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

I would take it if it was warranted and if it knew it hadn't happened to others time and time again. If you read up you will see from his response, and now lack of future response, that he knows he was in the wrong. He, on a number of occasions including this one, has let the power that he has been given go to his head and used it incorrectly. He is giving a bad name to the "Mods" here who are generally nice people and keep the chat safe but allow for free flowing conversation at the same time. Something needs to be done about this guy!

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

I don't get what you are moaning about. Being kicked or being out of the room? Can't be being out of the room can it? Backup?

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

My point is all about him continuously doing it to people. He needs these rights removed from him.

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

There does seem to be an issue of bad moderation happening and arbitrary use of power. If you dare diagree with a mod it seems uou get booted.

No enquiry, no explanation and no appeal.

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

Why is it so unreasonable to expect transparency from the Mods? The number of people who counsel "just shut up and accept their judgement" astounds me. Is this what these people do in real life if someone seeks to remove their freedoms? What a wonderful flock of sheep they make!

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

I see a lot of Mod said - I said.
How come no one presents actual evidence?
I checked the chat room yesterday. I saw a violation of the rules.
I copied it and pasted it elsewhere for future reference.
Why isn't anyone copying the violations?

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RE: This Is Getting Boring

Better to ask why is it so unreasonable for some to follow the rules?
I agree with Thomas this is boring.

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RE: Kicked Out For No Reason - LESandSHARON

If you were a paying member maybe you'd have right to bitch (maybe not). But being you're not happy about a FREE service on a FREE website, you have no say (nor should you). Don't like it? Go start your own site.

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