Large Penis Support Group (

Hi Group

Im not sure if I ever introduced myself. Ive been into nudism for about 12 years now. Beach, camping, resort or at home.

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My presentacion

Hello! My name is Uli-from Bulgaria! Thank you very much for joining the group! The interest in showing my nudity started at puberty with my classmates ... then I noticed that my penis impressed my classmates in appearance and size and in response...

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Ciao, sono Cristiano, sono di Roma (Italia), ho 49 anni e pratico nudismo da quando ne avevo 13/14. Mi piace il nudismo come stile di vita perche mi da una sensazione di liberta sia fisica (libero dai vestiti) che mentale (senza dover nascondere...

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I'm new here I need new friends, we can always swap pictures in my dm

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by rhumbal 
Wishing all members a very Merry Christmas

I just want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Having said that, I am of course well aware that we all have very different traditions and that some do not celebrate Christmas at all. Regardless of this, I hope you all...

Perspectives on Nude, Erotic, Erect,...

Fact: Nude is Natural, Natural is Normal: this includes nude in all natural "states", passive and active. My #1 motto is: "The Fit, Fully Nude, Fully Exposed, Human Form is the True Art Form". For me this includes static poses,...

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Hello from Brazil

Hey folks I am Fernando from Brazil, a city near So Paulo, 90km of distance. I started two years ago, unfortunatelly the Pandemic came and I didn't have any great experience yet, just a few at home, but I'm aiming to go to the near beaches...

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Hello from NW Arkansas

I have been a nudist for many decades. Started when I began sailing while living in south Florida in the 70's. It seems a crime to remain textiled while out on the water enjoying the commune with nature, Back then I was nude mostly while out on...

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Hello from Canada

Hi All, I am happy to be part of this group. Canadian here and a proud member of TN, TS, LPSG and other sites for many years. Always open to new friends, both in person and virtually. Growing up I always thought I was average or below average...

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Hi everyone I'm new to the group my name is Pat I don't think I really belong here but I have been encouraged by others to join this group I say I don't think I belong here because my penis is only 7 in Long and it just seems like...