Happy Clothes-Free Chat Group

What has made you happy in the last two...

For me, its getting out and being active and being with people! That energizes me!

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Take a Smile!

Giving them away for free, and there are than enough for everyone! So take a smile and spread happiness :-)))

Om nom nom...

From now on available during afternoon tea/coffee at our clubhouse; Happy Naked Club pie. Who want's a piece? Don't worry, there's more than enough for everyone! :-)))

Your Cooking Skills

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how would you rate your cooking skills? :-))

What's for dinner?

What's for dinner? What will you be having this evening? :-))

What book are you reading right now?

For all book lovers and book worms, share what book you are reading right now! :-))

What TV show(s) are you currently watching?

What TV show or shows are you currently watching? If none, what was the last one you watched? :-))