Nude Country Life

Nude morning chores in the country

As has been mentioned many times before, theres always something to do in the country. Unless youre among the idle rich, having your own patch of dirt (property for well heeled), comes with a vast assortment of things to check, adjust, clean or feed...

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Ok . . . It doesnt run, now what?

I have just posted a photo of yours truly in action regarding the title above. And, if you live in the country, there is almost always something that needs to be fixed / repaired / maintained. I think its like a law that the more you need something,...

Getting back to grilling in the nude

This weekend has had great weather for February & I even got in an afternoon of nude grilling! The wife pulled out a couple of tenderloins for me to smoke. She did her special rub (unfortunately, it was not on me =-( , oh well) while I was getting...

But are you nude if the power is out?

The current winter storm is visiting our house, not really too bad. Just the usual heavy rain & wind with the local weather warnings blaring out as needed. Nothing like watching the weather only to be blasted away by the radio screaming its warning...

Who cares about drones?

October 2010. I was raking leaves on a perfect temp day and decided to take a break from the exercise and stretch out in my private backyard. And i fell asleep. I awoke to the sound of a low flying plane, which is not unusual since there is a grass...

Flying drywall

Years ago I was in my winter nude outfit while renovating my rural home's kitchen, an open long sleeved shirt. I opened the door to toss out some scrap drywall. If the Jehovahs Witness had been 3 steps closer to the steps she would have been...

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Whats your country yard signage?

I was writing another post here in TN about keeping unwanted visitors in the country at bay. The folks in the city have these wandering peddlers going door to door. It might be a vacuum cleaner, internet service or even the famous Fuller Brush...

Help . . . the city is coming!!!

You heard it right; the city is coming. Thats a problem that were all having here in Florida. Everyone wants a piece of the Sunshine State and they all want a place away from the crowd. The problem is that is where I currently reside and all the...

Nude critter sighting of the day

Well . . . the title isnt too exciting and the days are much the same & thats a good thing. We had an armadillo express its joy about the 4th & run across the front yard about 9AM on the holiday. It wasnt quite a leisurely stroll as it knew the...

Hows your summer coming?

It will be August tomorrow & summer is about halfway through. My tan is pretty well done along with the garden, grass is still growing, I have added another tally to my age, the new car is in the garage after the last one encountered large Florida...

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