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Nudity is Protected Free Speech

The World Naked Bike Ride has done more to promote public nudity than everything else combined in the last 100 years. If the WNBR is protected as Free Speech under the First Amendment in order to protest Big Oil and pollution, then public nudity at...

Most Popular Nudist ?

A profile just popped up on the home page under the heading of Most Popular Nudist. This person used to be on my friendslist but I dropped her. The reason for my doing this is she had not logged onto the sitein over a year. In her profile it now...

A Bad Word For A Good Cause?

So those of us on here prefer not to wear clothes... but if we're going to why not support a good cause in the process? This website is an internet movement meant to stamp out gay hate and to promote gay rights. They...

Let's be Open and Honest

Being Catholic I am always interested in seeing other members who are also Catholic. I always wonder about the folks who list their religious preference as Christian - Other. What is the "Other"? Are any of these people Catholics but they...

Applying sunscreen at the beach

We went to the Hook Monday and again took notice of people applying sunscreen to an area that needs to be protected BUT did they have to do it standing up and a little happy with the motion and the lotion? Please be a little discrete.

what's wrong with single male nudists?

I;ve been looking at differen nudist events and certain beaches/resorts and alot of them say couples or single women only. so single women can visit but not single men. I happen to be single so i cant vist any of these places, is there a reasoning...

My complaint about sending messages.

I write to people sending nice general messages and might get 1 out of 10 responded to. Then see a lot of people complain that people dont write... Getting real tired of it.