Nudism is NOT about sex and just DEAL WITH IT!!!

Nudists and sex

We shouldn't pretend we don't have sex just because we like to go nude. Each has it's place. The important thing is not to confuse the two.

Sex Talk Among Nudists

I've seen some discussions interrupted by someone who declared, "Nudity has nothing to do with sex. Discussions of sex have nothing at all to do with nudity. This discussion (about sex) should not be taking place here (on TN) and should be...

Educating the non-nudist ...

I recently spent a few hours at my favorite watering hole. One of the young female bartenders has become a friend and this past visit ... I wore my "Live Naked" wrist band. It's like the yellow "Live Strong" bands but clear...

Completely naked without sexual provocation

Hello everybody. I am Andrea from Italy, 58 years old, divorced without children and nudist. Personally I don't feel any shame to be naked or to be seen naked because I consider it a natural fact and there is no kind of sexual provocation in my...

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completely naked without shame and without...

Greetings to everyone. I'm Andrea from Italy. I, like all of you (I imagine) love to be naked without feeling ashamed and above all without wanting to make sexual provocation. I am completely naked to be completely myself, to show myself without...

Responding when you hear "No one wants...

When I'm talking with my friends and co-workers about nudism, trying to help them understand what it is and why I practice it as a lifestyle, I often get all kinds of responses, but I most often hear "OK, but no one wants to see me...

Nudism ans kinky

What is wrong w it ??? It's natural Pm me

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Is there anything we can do?

Ok TN members, time to pick your brains and do something good for the cause of nudism: What can we as True Nudists do to help mainstream America understand that nudism is NOT to be feared; that it is not some perverted fetish; that it is NOT...