Re:Slow.. or is it just me?

Very slow this morning...

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RE: Slow.. or is it just me?

yes this must be the only site where there is time to make a cup of tea whilst it is thinking of responding to my last request. Oh but wait. It must be speeding up today. I only had enough time to fill the kettle.
Yes I too have got reeeealy fed up with it. But I did notice a big improvement today. Let's hope the problems are over.

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It's quite often like that!! S ot's not just you!

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RE: Slow -

ok last week i could have mowed the backyard and returned because it was so slow but tonight seems fast and like the new changes in chat.

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RE: Slow -

Did I say I thought it had speeded up (#57). I was mistaken. Nice cup of tea (which I made while waiting). Now I'll just click "Submit" and cook a pitza. Which will be ready first? Want to take bets?

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That takes the buiscuit

Not only have I had time to do the washing up whilst waiting for this site to respond. My computor went onto screensaver and the site logged me out clearig the item I'd just entered int another thread. There are other websites that are faster, I had thought they were not anything like as good.
There is a saying here in Yorkshire - "If it aint broke, dont fix it"

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RE: That takes the buiscuit

I too find it very slow compared to other sites so I dont feel that the problem is with my computer.

I also dont care for the fact that when I go to sign on it waits and then comes back with the sign on screen again

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RE: Slow.. or is it just me?

It is very slow

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Re:Slow.. or is it just me?

Real sloooowwww today...

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RE: Slow.. or is it just me?

Painfully slow, it has nothing to do with my laptop either every other site I use and some of them have a lot of info on thir pages load very quick, shame seeing the number of paying customers!

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