RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

I was backpacking in Colorado. While setting up my camp, I got down to bare skin to dry out and heal some chafing. Hydrocortisone cream works miracles.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Went for a long hike.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Planted flowers, mowed grass,power washed trailer, built platform for a shed, walked in a stream rode bicycle. Sure there is more but will stop there.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Played Pick Ball. Did some yard work at home. It was dark though.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Played Pick Ball.

How did you enjoy Pickleball

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Played Pick Ball.How did you enjoy Pickleball

It was great. I had not played in a few years and didnt have my paddle but everyone was gracious and let me borrow a paddle and helped me relearn the game. The enjoyed playing with me because I didnt wince at their hard shots and fast paced game.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

We did quite a bit yesterday while nude outside. Heck, we've been nude for about 4.5 days. Love those long stints of nudity.

Best part of nude outdoors yesterday was my wife and I taking an outdoor shower together, twice!

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Attended the AANR convention.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Attended the AANR convention.

The national convention? How was it?

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

We did quite a bit yesterday while nude outside. Heck, we've been nude for about 4.5 days. Love those long stints of nudity.Best part of nude outdoors yesterday was my wife and I taking an outdoor shower together, twice!

Sounds wonderful. I am striving for that when I get the yard more private.

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