RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Yes it s only cold for a little while...the other day, I started at 7 am...4 degres Celcius only...had a tshirt and armless jacket, a cap and a short no undies....with backpack 7.5kg...felt cold for few minutes then i was warm enough to walking and arms movement with squizzing of hands means i was warm....although i was trying to avoid a sweat to minimise the risk of hypothermia as temperature only reached 11 2two hours later...but the lack of wind in the national park and the warmth of the morning sun made it possible for me to enjoy hiking naked for few hours....

A note of caution to those tempted to emulate. ....hypothermia is a real risk when hiking naked in low temps...know your the first..if you pass out from hypothermia when you are naked alone in middle of nowhere you are in deep s_it and possibly going to die!
Have warm clothes with you and don't hesitate to cover up if feeling dizzy, cold, desoriented....( activate your PLB too...)and if having warm drink...sip your survival blanket or even better if you have a survival pouch, get in it....get warm, get some rest, eat something, stay hydrated and then return to safety if you can...otherwise stay foot on activation of PLB....

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

I think I'll wait for a little warmth in the air! We've a fair bit of green around Melbourne but you have so much where I expect the trails can be very quiet in the mid-week. I imagine Blaxland, Wentworth, Lawson and Bell chose to wear more on their treks!

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

Between yesterday and today, started the pool pump, vacuumed the pool, swam, floated in my pool lounger, read the paper, checked my email, sent some text messages, caught up on social media.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Washed my truck on my driveway in the rain.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

Between yesterday and today, started the pool pump, vacuumed the pool, swam, floated in my pool lounger, read the paper, checked my email, sent some text messages, caught up on social media.

Same as yesterday except I didn't vacuum the pool.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Two days of relaxed beach life with my bf, making the recent weekend a nice time.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

mowed the sister in law lawn < too dang hot here in Texas to do it clothed

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

A few times during our experience with Tropical Storm Hilary, I was naked outside taking things down (windchimes, patio decorations), moved furniture and more backyard decorations to saver places. I had an outdoor shower each of those times provided by the storm.

Today, we'll have warm temps and my wife, and I will begin to move patio furniture and patio rugs out to dry them out. Later this afternoon, we'll resume our afternoon routine by sharing a bottle of wine on the patio and I'll enjoy another cigar.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

mowed the sister in law lawn < too dang hot here in Texas to do it clothed
Is she OK with you being nude around her or did you do it when she wasn't home?

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

Started the pool, vacuumed the pool cover, read the paper and my email, caught up social media. Getting ready to weed whack the back yard, then I will reluctantly put on shorts and do the front.

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