RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently

Started the pool, vacuumed the pool cover, read the paper and my email, caught up social media. Getting ready to weed whack the back yard and sweep the deck, then I will reluctantly put on shorts and weed whack the front.

Similar to yesterday except vacuumed the pool and swam, but didn't weed whack.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Walked and ran throught forest trails, swam, danced around a fire, and just some remote camping by a lake with my dad and some of his friends for a weekend.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Same today but read a magazine instead of a newspaper. Had company yesterday so very little outdoor nude time.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Ate lunch, read the paper, caught up on email and social media
May swim later.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

I took a hike. It was so nice out.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Ate lunch, read the paper, caught up on email and social mediaMay swim later.

Same today but too late for a swim.
Did swim later the day I originally posted.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Today started the pool, swam, floated in my pool lounge, read the paper, checked email and social media.
Yesterday walked and waded in the woods with a friend from TN.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Naked hiking and rock climbing! Geat to connect with nature especially barefoot with sun and wind.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Naked hiking and rock climbing! Geat to connect with nature especially barefoot with sun and wind.
Someone on another sight posted a video of someone rock climbing with no clothes or equipment.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Naked hiking and rock climbing! Geat to connect with nature especially barefoot with sun and wind.Someone on another sight posted a video of someone rock climbing with no clothes or equipment.

Here's the link:
Does seem a little odd that there is an ad for "all the climbing gear you need" at the beginning, when all the gear he uses is none at all,

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