RE: International sign for Nudists???

I like the "Nu" as well.

...As for people not knowing what somethings means; My favorite T-shirt has the following written on it with a few small trees: "May the forest be with you" I have only had 'good' conversations with people who have cared to comment on my t-shirt, because we already have something in common!

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RE: International sign for Nudists???

I like the NU as well... is it like Nudists united or something? either way i dig it. I also like the bird still, i think it would reduce well enough, although i think it would be better in simpler colors but... still like it.

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RE: International sign for Nudists???

Canoodler's symbols:/snip/I like 'em!
Not bad. Pretty close to my suggestion.
Now, run the letters together, with no space at all between the n and the u, preferrably sharing the vertical
portion such as to make it one symbol.

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RE: International sign for Nudists???

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RE: International sign for Nudists???

For some reason I can't include here these two photos that I want to give as an example of already internationally used sign:
Link to the photo of a sign in Norway
Link to the photo of a sign in Quebec, Canada

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RE: International sign for Nudists???

In Holland and Belgium we have such a sign already for years and years.
Look at:

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International sign for Nudists

So glad to see that many of you got into the idea of a symbol or sign for nudists. I'm sure there are many used before and more to come after. All of your ideas are great and creative and very eye catching.If only I were as creative, but would gladly wear or sport many of the shirts, buttons and other wear to show my nude support while in the clothed world.

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RE: International sign for Nudists

Hello all. I may be repeating here as I just skimmed through the posts. It seemed to start to lose track of where the original post meant to go. I think it was intended to see if nudists would like a symbol so we can be in the textile world and still meet "strangers"that like nudism, without having to walk up to someone and say "hey, wanna come to my nude BBQ". It's not to become a secret organization. Yes, eventually it would be known by the textiles but still it is a good idea. It seems most people here would wear the symbol proudly. The concept seems to be accepted. The only thing left is...What does the majority want it to look like?

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International sign for Nudists???

I really like the figleaf idea, who's gonna start printing those new t-shirts/hats for sale, I wanna buy some !!!

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RE: International sign for Nudists

I agree with ya Diceman! And yes, t-shirts, hats and buttons should be made and sold. That way we could identify others while in the textile world. When we're nude, well we already know we're nudists. :)

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