RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

I barked at some road construction workers!The city is having some road work done on the street adjacent to our house. They park their tractor at our back wall and are working on the street on our south side wall. Each day, at quitting time, they all seem to gather around the trailer that the tractor is loaded onto. The tractor makes a huge amount of noise, but we can live with that.Today, like every day for the past two weeks, these guys now yell at each other over the tractor noise as it's being loaded. Not only is it annoying, but they seem to have to drop F bombs 6 times in a sentence. We don't have kids here but there are kids in very close proximity and these guys are using the F word as a verb, adverb, noun, adjective and interjection. I'm not sure if these guys know any of this grammar they're using it.Look, I'm veteran sailor and a 32 yr veteran of the fire department. Cursing an an hourly, daily function BUT we knew when it wasn't appropriate to use it and when to cool it. The fact that these guys had to yell it at each other so that I could clearly hear it over the tractor being loaded on the trailer was enough for me.I got up from the couch where I was texting a friend. We're home, we're naked. I could go slip on shorts but I didn't. I walk out to the backyard, hop up on a short wall we use for the seating around the fire ring and yell, "HEY". The tractor idles down so you can hear yourself think. I motion the guys over and tell them to drop their voices if they are going to curse or take it somewhere else. I explain and point to the houses where there are kids, and you can hear the kids playing in the backyards. Maybe the kids hear, maybe they don't but people cuss today for absolutely no reason.Anyway, I'm certain they were more weirded out that I was shirtless and probably nude. haha
Also reminded me of an incident when we were having tree work done 2 years ago. All of the sudden we heard a profanity laden tirade aimed at one of the workers. My wife said "You should tell the owner to have his crew chief watch his language. " I replied "That was the owner. " He had also been banned from coaching by more than one youth baseball league.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Today I stepped out in the back yard briefly so I could say I was naked outdoors in December.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

A short beach trip today despite the weather being overcast (as forecasted) and the temperature being somewhat less than forecast. Still nice enough to have a dip, a walk and to lie on the beach.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Bravo. Encore, Paul. We must ReClaim The World & Society to include Naturists & Nudists ( EveryBody is a Nudist some just are IN THE CLOSET ). Its edifying & heartwarming to see ( & share with ) Nudists & Naturists Embrace Our INALIENABLE #ClothesFREE Liberty & codified #1stAmendment Right to DiVest & OptOut of inane bodymask tyrannies & defy ancient & modern codes & rulers/rules aimed to shame & deamonize & criminalize #TheHumanBody. #GBA

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Well Im currently in Key West, so have been naked in a few bars.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Well Im currently in Key West, so have been naked in a few bars.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Well Im currently in Key West, so have been naked in a few bars.

I've heard about Garden of Eden.
What are some othera?

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Well Im currently in Key West, so have been naked in a few bars.I've heard about Garden of Eden.What are some othera?

Bourbon Street Pub is another on Duval Street... although it is a gay men's club other than when they have opened up to everyone on the Bare Necessities nude cruises.

Also, during Fantasy Fest just about every bar on Duval Street probably has some degree of nudity inside.

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Just done a 30kms solo nude hikein the Blue mountains, about 2 hours drive from.Sydney /Australia...met few intetesting people along the way...More about that hike on my blog ,

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RE:What did you do nude in the outdoors recently?

Just done a 30kms solo nude hikein the Blue mountains, about 2 hours drive from.Sydney /Australia...met few intetesting people along the way...More about that hike on my blog ,

Where in the Blue Mountains?
My wife's brother and niece live there and we have visited 3 times so I am somewhat familiar with the area.

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