Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

Private Message disappeared-curious

I had an email this morning that I had received a message, but when I logged in there was not one. Does that happen sometimes? Just curious, as I had received email notification several times prior, but there was a message. Thanks!

travel info

Can anyone tell me how to activate the travel info? When I try to add something, the location drop-down menu does not respond.

Re Account Information

I live in the uk, and want to show my state/province asliving in the county of Kent, but it won't let me, It will automatically change to Kent when I reset the country to United Kingdom, but reverts back to Armed Forces Americas!when I hit save.

Location, Location, Location

I know you guys are busy, but I really do not understand why none of the updates or additions to the locations have been posted. I have added several, as have others, but none of them seem to get processed. As an example, almost a month ago I tried...

What happened to the Bulletins ?

Does anyone know what happened to the Bulletins. Is TT1 aware, or did he disable them re abuse. Or is it just a bug, and more importantly, will we get them back ? :(