Announcements on True Nudists
Check here to keep up with what we're doing to make truenudists the most popular nudist site on the web
Is something wrong? I am not able to get in the chat room. Is it just me?
I'm travelling around the UK in my very comfortable motorhome and would like the company of fellow nudists and particularly those who may have somewhere reasonably private to park up and enjoy the area on my nippy motor scooter. I am very happy...
When I delete old unwanted messages they still appear in my inbox, including messages marked as spam. I have written to TN Admin twice about this and not even had a reply. Seriously considering closing my account. This is rubbish.
We've added some updates to make the truenudists community a little bit more wholesome and to keep it non-sexual nudist-friendly here. 1. In the chat room, we disabled whispers completly at first, but have reconsidered and are now only allowing...
Hello fellow nudist. In my 100 days of solitude due to C-19, I have been practicing new skills one of which is the piano. I am not very good (YET) but getting better. I was curious if any members teach piano? If so please feel free to reach out. I...
Cant wait any longer off to the beach. Hope other people are thinking the same
Hello Everyone, We are exploring the possibility of having a meetup in Goa ( India ) over 16th and 17th Feb 2019. We have 3-4 participants who have shown initial interest and at this point of time , the request is to keep it clothing optional as...
I just found out that someone on truenudist lost his battle with cancer on February 11, 2019. Unfortunately, he was only 51. His name was Tim Hudgins. He was jedtim1 on here. It was a couples profile he shared with his wife but it appears he was the...
Hi. We are not yet certified, maybe thats why we cant add more photos? We have added 3 photos but when trying to add more its just a blank page. Or is it a browser problem? We are using Safari on an Ipad Pro with IpadOS. Please advice .
Anyone in South Eastern Ont planning a visit to Port Burwell this Sunday July 12th. Would love to meet up. Tired of being on my own. PM me.