Legal Issues

Discussions about the Legality of Nudist Areas and Nudism

Article referencing Arkansas' ridiculous...

Naked disregard Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 22 Jul 2020 John Brummett Arkansas has some of the most onerous clothing-requirement laws in the country. You just try going naked around here. Show your personal parts to someone other than your...

Been seen naked.

A couple of days ago while doing my (legal) nude dog walk along a section of closed railway line which is now used as a footpath and near the end it is on an embankment and there is a property fairly near the line but at the lower level and this...

Neighbor Threatens Topless Sunbathers

I caught this article about a pair of roommates in Vancouver that have a neighbor that isn't happy with their topless sunbathing: First an anonymous note demanding they put some clothes on. Then a second envelope that contained a poster...

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Czech nudists reprimanded by police for not... PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC A group of Czech nudists were scolded by police officers for...

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This could potentially fall under legal...

I mean, if my neighbor wants to be a "trueasshole". But I was just going to ask for suggestions on what would be the best "hanging plant" that I could line part of my privacy fence with to help obscure the view even more. I just...

SCOTUS lets stand state court convictions...

The link below is to a news report on the US Supreme Court declining to hear the case of a state court conviction of three women who exposed their breasts on a public beach. The Supreme court of New Hampshire found that the state law does not...

Is public nudity a form of free speech?

"... by limiting the ability to express themselves, the law violates their rights. They cite the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which forbids the government from "abridging the freedom of speech". But legal experts say...

Being nude in Ohio

I would love to be able to go legally nude in areas of Ohio other that at nudist resort's. Does anyone know of any?

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Troubling nudity trend in Germany

It's reported that nudity is on the decrease in Germany. Facebook is blamed because nudist groups can't share nude photos there which reinforces the US shame of the naked body. Read this article If the Germans lose the right to be naked as...

Nudity in Britain

I was checking out the World Naked Bike Ride when I got somewhat of a surprise. It always used to be an offence to be naked in public ('indecent exposure' - who decides what is or isn't decent?). Since the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it...